Curriculum Vitae


                                David R. Mears


                                Professor Emeritus

                                Bioresource Engineering

                                Department of Plant Biology and Pathology









B.S. in Agricultural Engineering, Rutgers University (1958)

M.S. in Agricultural Engineering, Rutgers University (1961)

Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Rutgers University (1968)


Professional Appointments:

2008 -      Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University

1984 - 07 Professor II, Rutgers University

1988 - 90 Director, Center of Excellence for Controlled Environment Agriculture

1986 - 88 Agricultural Research Advisor to USAID Mission, India

1981 - 85 Associate Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station and Dean of Research

1965 - 84 Research Associate, Assistant-Associate-Full Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Rutgers University

1964 - 65 Graduate work in Applied Science and Teaching Assistant, UC Davis

1960 - 64 Lay Missionary, Cuttington College, Suacoco, Liberia

1958 - 60 Assistant Instructor in Agricultural Engineering, Rutgers University


Scholarly Publications (Most significant from the last few years):

Reiss, E., D.R. Mears, T.O. Manning, G.J. Wulster, and A.J. Both. 2007. Numerical modeling of greenhouse floor heating. Transactions of the ASABE 50(1):275-284.


Both, A.J., E. Reiss, D.R. Mears, and W. Fang. 2005. Designing environmental control for greenhouses: Orchid production as example. Acta Horticulturae 691(2):807-813.


Reiss, E., D.R. Mears and A.J. Both. 2003. Greenhouse floor heating. ASAE paper No. 03-4039. ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA. 14 pp.


Moriyama, H., D.R. Mears, S. Sase, H. Kowata and M. Ishii. 2003. Design Considerations for Small-Scale Pipe Greenhouses to Prevent Arch Buckling Under Snow Load. Paper Number. 03-4047 ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA. 8 pp.


Both, A.J., D.R. Mears, E. Reiss, W.J. Roberts. 2002. Greenhouse floor heating. Greenhouse Management and Production (GMPRO). August issue. pp. 60-63.


Mears, D.R. and A.J. Both. 2002. A positive pressure ventilation system with insect screening for tropical and subtropical greenhouse facilities. Acta Horticulturae 578:125-132.


Both, A.J., E. Reiss, D.R. Mears and W.J. Roberts. 2001. Open-Roof Greenhouse Design with Heated Ebb and Flood Floor. ASAE Paper No. 01-4058 Presented at ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sacramento, California. July 30-August 1, 2001.


Mears, D.R. and A.J. Both. 2001. A Positive Pressure Ventilation System with Insect Screening for Tropical and Subtropical Greenhouse Facilities. Keynote talk and Proceedings of The International Symposium on Design and Environmental Control of Tropical and Subtropical Greenhouses. ISHS, Taichung, Taiwan. April 15-18 2001. NJAES Paper No. P-03130-06-01.


Mears, D.R. and A.J. Both. 2000. Insect Exclusion from Greenhouses. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Agricultural Structures and ACESYS (Automation, Culture, Environment, and Systems) IV Conference. December 4-5, Tsukuba, Japan. pp. 18-26. NJAES Paper No. P-03130-23-00.


Giacomelli, G.A., S.A. Garrison, M. Jensen, D.R. Mears, J.W. Patterson, W.J. Roberts and O.S. Wells. 2000. Advances in Plasticulture Technologies 1977 – 2000. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress for Plastics in Agriculture, Hershey, PA Sept. 23-27, 2000. NJAES Paper No. P-03130-20-00.


Mears, D.R. 1999. Epilogue. Proceedings of ACESYS III Forum – From Protected Cultivation to Phytomation. CCEA; Bioresource Engineering Dept., Cook College - Rutgers University; Phytomation, Inc., July 23.


Mears, D.R., 1999. Plastic Glazing for Quarantine Facilities. Proceedings of American Society for Plasticulture 28th National Agricultural Plastics Congress. Tallahassee, FL, May 19-22.


Mears, D.R. and R.P. Kahn. 1999. Concepts and New Designs for Quarantine Greenhouses. Published in Kahn, R.P., S.B. Mathur et al. Exotic Pest and Pathogen Exclusion: Containment Facilities and Safeguards for Imported Seeds, Plants and Biological Control Organisms. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, Chapter 11, p74-92.


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